Time & Location
22 Jul 2021, 18:00 – 20:30
Brewdog, Crispin House, New York Rd, Leeds LS2 7PF, UK
About the Event
Calling all Shufflers!
You are invited to Leeds JLD Shuffleboard Tournament on Thursday 22 July 6pm at Brewdog’s North Street Bar.
Join us for a night of competition where you’ll get the chance to network and compete against your legal peers in a mixed shuffleboard tournament. The teams will consist of 4 attendees randomly selected on the night. Please note this event has been organised at a date, and on the basis, that there will no covid-related restrictions which would prevent us from running the event as planned (ie rule of 6 for indoor hospitality). If this changes so that we are unable to run the event as planned, full refunds will be offered.
Leeds JLD members ticket - £5
Non-members - £15
Please note, the tickets are non-refundable.
With your ticket, each delegate will also get:
· One free pizza;
· Side of fries and chicken or cauliflower wings (ve);
· One pint of BrewDog Headliner (or soft drink).
Please confirm your food order in advance when purchasing your ticket through the Leeds JLD website.
The event’s capacity is 24 people, so be quick to get your ticket!
If you have any questions about the event or the venue, please email Harveyblake@chadlaw.co.uk
Member ticket
Ticket for Leeds JLD members. Please note this is non-refundable.
£5.00Sale endedNon-Member Ticket
Ticket for those who do not hold Leeds JLD membership. Please note this is non-refundable.
£15.00Sale ended